After the brick has stopped flaming, gently blow on the ember. Place the brick in the center of lid unlit side down.
Includes 20 bricks
Grows in the mountains in the USA and most other countries. The wood is versatile in its uses. From aromatic chests to wooden furniture, cedar is a well known and loved essence. Hold the brick over a flame until the brick burns by itself.
Evergreen trees in nature, firs are tall, symmetrical trees with uniformly spaced branch whorls. Large cones are held erect. Most native firs are high mountain plants which grow best in or near their natural environment. The Fir Balsam incense is a strong refreshing smell of the high country.
Our only incense that doesn't come from the western part of the USA. This tree grows mostly in the southeast. It is a tall tree that has a shaggy bark when mature. The wood is hard and the smoke is used for cooking much like mesquite and alder.
Mostly grows on the Pacific coast and is used for cooking, smoking seafood, furniture, and cabinet making. This deciduous moisture loving tree, produces flowers which develop into small woody cones that decorate the tree in winter. Flower arrangers use these blossoms often. We like the mild smell of this incense that compliments and reflects the Northwest United States.
Grows in the desert southwest and Mexico at elevations of 2000 to 6000 feet. This slow growing tree is very hard and has an equally distinctive odour. Root wood is used for fuel, especially cooking, and is good for barbecuing and smoking meats. Native Americans use pods (seeds) for food and later as feed for livestock. We think that our incense is a unique blend of this complex fragrance.
An evergreen tree that grows along the foot hills of Californian's desert mountains, east to Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, and north to Wyoming. This tree produces a cone that bears edible seeds harvested in the late fall. When burned, the smoke is a soft smell of the Pinon that fill the air in towns and villages throughout New Mexico.
has a distinctive aroma that can be described as woody, fresh, and slightly sweet. When burned, the aroma of juniper is intensified and becomes even more pronounced. The smoke produced by burning juniper is often used in traditional smudging ceremonies to purify a space or to create a peaceful and calming atmosphere.